Friday, May 14, 2010

Love and War

It finally arrived! The folks of Ransomed Heart are generous enough to give a free copy of Love and War, the latest work of John and Stasi Eldredge, to those who are bloggers. I haven't begun to read the book yet, but as soon as I do I will indeed be sharing what it says to me.

In the meantime, I will say a little bit about another book of Eldredge titled Walking with God. I just finished reading the section Winter and am just blown away at how much and often spiritual warfare happens in my daily life. Honestly, I never really gave this warfare a second thought when I began my journey with Christ. I had the impression that His name is the most powerful name there is (which is true) and all I have to do is say it to cause the demons to tuck tail and run. I'm now learning and realizing this isn't the case. Indeed we live in a world at war. There is warfare going on all time, and so much of it is so very subtle.

What really stood out to me was when John comments that he did not grow up in a Christian home. Wow! Neither did I! Instantly I can relate with John on this. After reading what he has to say about how Jesus will go with us into our past and sanctify us there and thus bring healing, I prayed and walked with Him in my past. I don't see so much a passive poser any longer, but a follower of Christ who has much to learn but is on the right path with my Master leading. I see myself as the young Padawan learner following the lead of my Jedi Master LOL! :)

Much of what I see in this Winter section of Walking with God has much to do with surrender, humility, and learning to identify warfare when it happens. I'm going to be laid off from my job next month. This is indeed going to be a massive change for me and my family. Holy Moses! Saying "my family" has a whole new meaning now. For such a long time my family meant my parents and sister. Not any more. Now "my family" primarily is my wife and daughter will be 8 months old on Monday. ZOW! I'm still getting used to that. Anyway, I've prayed about what is next. I've been job searching. I did apply for a couple of jobs and did even get interviews for them. However, the jobs were offered to another. I believe everything happens for a reason. Perhaps God was using these experiences to validate me as a man, to say "Yes, Tom, you have what it takes. However, if you follow Me I'll take you to something even better." Ooooooooo, lead on Lord! Now I'm researching going back to school full-time to pursue a Bachelors degree in Web Development. I don't know what will happen next, but I do feel okay with being patient right now.

The plans of the diligent lead to profit
as surely as haste leads to poverty. --Proverbs 21:5 (NIV)

1 comment:

deborah said...

As you share this new adventure...this new journey, Tom, I am sure that your brothers and sisters will walk alongside you! Am looking forward to your love and war bloggings!.....Now dont get ahead of me!!! My own reading has stalled somewhere about page 80 recently due to the pull of other things, but I can definitely say that you will LOVE this book!

~~deborah~~ (from