Wednesday, August 26, 2020


So my friend and brother in Christ, Phil, posted this about Melody and Harmony.  Now it's my turn to say something about what I believe is the most critical part of music...rhythm!

Let's face it, without rhythm it's just noise.  We are rhythmic creatures.  We walk with rhythm and we live to a rhythm.  Now I realize that there are some who have difficulty with walking or movement for that matter and it may appear there is no rhythm to their movement, but I believe if you watch them long enough you'll see a rhythmic pattern.

God created the heavens and the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th.  So even from the beginning our Creator God established a rhythm.  Work for 6 days, and rest on the 7th.  Indeed, take time out to rest.  I had the pleasure of resting this past weekend.  I was able to be among the wilderness of His creation and soak in the beauty of it all.

Now for those who know me, I'm a drummer.  Whether tapping out something on a dashboard or actually playing an instrument, I got the rhythm in me.  Here's a little something of rhythm to enjoy: 

Monday, August 24, 2020

It's all just a vapor

 Well sure has been a long time since my last post here.  Life is indeed an adventure and you just never know what will happen next.

I am now facilitating (God is leading) a small group of men with my church in Bible study and group discussion.  We recently finished a study of the book of Ecclesiastes and one of the biggest things I take away from it is that this life under the sun is only temporary...a vapor...a puff of smoke.  This is a comforting thought with all the bad stuff that keeps happening in this world.

I've heard it said before about this world being a cesspool...what?!?  Oh yes.  If you stop and think about it and let it all settle in, this world is a sin infected cesspool.  It's ugly.  It is indeed the world God did NOT mean for us to live.

So here we are, living in a mess.  Fortunately, it's not permanent.  It's only temporary.  As the writer of Ecclesiastes expresses, do the best you can with what you have and enjoy it as much as you can.  Yes, sometimes the bad guys win.  It's only a vapor.