Sunday, March 27, 2011

and the adventure continues

Well it certainly has been a long time since my last post here.  I have been rather busy with homework and study, not to mention being a father.  The semster is coming to an end.  There are only 5 more weeks with the 5th week being for finals.  So far in all my classes I am receiving an A.  I have certainly worked hard.  I'm already registered for the next semster taking 2 classes:  Human Physiology and Nutrition/Diet Therapy.  Physiology is the study of the function of human anatomy and I'm really excited and looking forward to it.  I'm currently in Human Anatomy and am simply in awe at this work of art by our God called the human being.  Also this spring I'm hoping to have the funds available to take a 6 week CNA training program offerd by LMC.  This will prepare me for the state exam so I can earn the certification and get a job as a CNA.  I'm thinking I will most likely be working at a nursing home/long-term care facility.  I may even work third shift so I can continue attending school.  We'll see.

Please pray for my family and I as we continue on this wild and crazy adventure together.