Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Follow-up from "Patience"

Well I did hear back from Whirlpool sooner than later. I was told that they were looking for someone with a broader experience. Okay, whatever.

So the job search continues, only now I am asking Jesus every morning if I should job search today. I won't do any job searching until He tells me to. So much stress is eliminated when I just shut-up and listen to what He has to say.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Waiting can be so hard. I know that patience is a good thing and all part of the Fruit of the Spirit, but still it is hard. Since my position with my current employer is slated to be eliminated, I've been doing a lot of job searching. I have had some interviews, but nothing yet. I applied for a position with Whirlpool and not only have had a phone interview, but also an in-person interview. Now all I can do is wait. I have the strong hope that I will get the job, but my mind is stepping in saying "don't hold your breath." On one hand I do want to believe that I'll get the job, but on the other hand I don't want to hold any expectation that will just set me up for another hurt. Of course any time I open my heart up to hope, despair will come also. It seems you can't have one without the other.

For now...I wait.