Tuesday, February 11, 2014

An Idea

How do I start this?  I am a child of God, a follower of the Christ Jesus, a husband and father to a little Princess, and a brother of the Church.  I have something to say.  Something that I believe is driven by His Holy Spirit within me.  It’s a simple idea, yet I know it will be so hard for many to comprehend and accept.  Some may call me crazy or nuts.  That’s okay.  Many called Noah crazy for what he did.

For millennia now, since the Fall of humanity, we all have been deceived.  Yes, let that soak in for a moment.  Since the beginning of humanity we have lived with the drive to acquire wealth.  We believe that we must work hard to earn a living.  So we grow up, get an education, get a job, and so on.  Since that beginning, we have had money in the mix of this Creation.  Whether it is coin or paper note or simply land to trade, the business of buying and selling or trading has been in place.  So just what is money anyway?  First let’s take a look at a little of what God says.  Exodus 20:3, of the Ten Commandments, ”You shall have no other gods before me.“  From I Timothy 6:10, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.”  Wow, money sure does seem like an ugly thing.  So what is it then?  It is nothing more than a cast idol that, let’s face it, so many worship!  When I say cast, I mean it in a Biblical sense that it is something manufactured by human hands.  Whether coin of copper or silver or gold, or cast of paper, it is an idol.  Let’s face it, many of placed this god before the God of all Creation!  Yikes!

So now, do we really need it?  Let’s see here, God shares with us all that we need and more.  He is the owner of the entire universe, and He chooses to share with us.  He doesn’t sell us His stuff, He shares it.  Yes, we have humans who will claim ownership of His stuff and demand payment before they will share it.  What?!?  First of all, it is all His stuff.  He is the owner and we are simply His stewards or managers of His stuff.  So we really have no claim to sell His stuff to each other.  God shares it with us first, that is His intention.  So we ought to follow His example and share freely with each other.  Therefore, we really don’t need money now do we.  We use money as stuff to exchange for other stuff.  Be it food, water, clothes, houses, transportation, and so on.  Let’s eliminate money and thus buying and selling from the mix.  Whoa!  What?  Yeah…meditate on this.  No money.  No buying and selling, no profit making.  There is only sharing.  It can be done.

Without money, buying, and selling in the mix, this will eliminate so many problems with poverty and disparity in the world today.  People no longer will work a job because they have to so they can put food on the table and a roof over their heads.  People can pursue what God put in them to do and receive all the support they need to do and be the best they can.  Money limits this, but remove it and those limitations melt away.  If it is in you to be a manager, that do that.  If it is in you to be an engineer, then do that.  If it is in you to be a musician, that do that.  No buying or selling, no profit making, no paychecks needed…only sharing.  You can still go to your community market place for food and such, but when you check out it is only for the purpose of inventory management.  You can still go see a movie or play or concert, but the artists share what they have and not sell it.

This idea right here is quite literally Heaven on earth.  Everyone freely, generously, and lovingly sharing with one another.  This is all His kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.  Try to imagine it.  A world where there is no money, where everyone is sharing art and harvests and crafts and skills with one another, where everyone contributes to one another by doing the very thing that makes him or her come alive inside!  A world where no one is suffering because they don’t have the money to pay for food or shelter or health care.

Alas, this kind of world won’t be until Jesus returns.  Yet, I wonder….  What if the entire Church around the world came together under one banner of Christ and decided to eliminate money from the mix of living and shared?  I believe it could be done.  “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”  –Matthew 19:26.

Now for the next question, can this idea go viral?  Only time will tell.  May the peace and love of God abound in us all.

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