Thursday, January 19, 2012

No, I'm not dead LOL

I've just been rather busy with work and raising a toddler that having time to myself is rare.  Here's an update, I  have withdrawn from the Nursing program at Lake Michigan College and have returned to work at Bosch as a temp.  I don't know how long I'll be at Bosch, but at least it's a paycheck and it buys me more time to find another job.  What I'd really want to do is learn to play the cello and then play with an orchestra.  I've had plenty of experience with wind and percussion instruments, the string family is one I've not had the pleasure of experiencing.  Plus, music is the one form of Beauty that I am most passionate about, so why can't I get paid to do the thing I love to do?  I doubt I will ever get to play cello, but who knows.

Oh well, back to work.

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