Wednesday, August 26, 2020


So my friend and brother in Christ, Phil, posted this about Melody and Harmony.  Now it's my turn to say something about what I believe is the most critical part of music...rhythm!

Let's face it, without rhythm it's just noise.  We are rhythmic creatures.  We walk with rhythm and we live to a rhythm.  Now I realize that there are some who have difficulty with walking or movement for that matter and it may appear there is no rhythm to their movement, but I believe if you watch them long enough you'll see a rhythmic pattern.

God created the heavens and the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th.  So even from the beginning our Creator God established a rhythm.  Work for 6 days, and rest on the 7th.  Indeed, take time out to rest.  I had the pleasure of resting this past weekend.  I was able to be among the wilderness of His creation and soak in the beauty of it all.

Now for those who know me, I'm a drummer.  Whether tapping out something on a dashboard or actually playing an instrument, I got the rhythm in me.  Here's a little something of rhythm to enjoy: 

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