Sunday, January 20, 2008

meant for so much more

As I continue my journey with Christ, I'm always becoming more aware of what God meant when He brought me into being. My pastors continuously repeat how "we" were meant for so much more...that when we follow Christ we enter into a life that is extraordinary. I want to believe this whole-heartedly, but sometimes I feel I'm just ordinary...just another guy.

I wonder if any other man struggles with this? As I look at where I am in this life, I'm not always impressed. I wish for more and at the same time I'm bombarded with statements, all Biblically based, that say I need to be content with what I have and/or where I'm at. Honestly, this sounds like a resignation into passivity. How can I grow in Christ if I just be content with the way things are? At the same time, I see and hear statements that suggest it's okay to feel some discontent. In fact, there is a book written by Bill Hybels, Sr. Pastor of Willow Creek Community Church, called Holy Discontent. I have not read this book, but I just may.

The more I dig, the more I discover just what God meant for this earth and all that dwell in it to be. It's clear to me that God meant for humanity to be blessed with such abundance, but sin messed that up. There are those who have an outrageous abundance and those who struggle just to survive. God certainly didn't mean for this. This morning my pastor spoke about the importance of community, that we're all hard-wired for relationships. We weren't meant to be alone. Yet there are so many who are...and it's only by choice.

This is just so cosmically staggering, when God created humanity He not only gave us the ability but also the complete freedom to make up our own minds! He did so because He wanted us to love, and I've concluded that true love is the decision of the heart to put someone else ahead of myself. You matter more to me than I matter to myself. This is what God is clearly stating on the cross. True love can only be an act of free-will. No one took Jesus' life. He even stated clearly that His life cannot be taken. No, He gave His life because He loves us that much. Because God meant for us to have free-will, and He doesn't interfere with this, this is why so much bad stuff happens in this world. God is a gentlemen and does not force Himself upon anyone. So it's obvious so many make bad decisions. I admit, sometime I make a bad choice. This is why I want Him so much in my life. He sees things I cannot and can tell me, "No Tom, don't go that way...go this way Me." Indeed, trust Him.

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